Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pringles Extreme Blazin' Buffalo Wing

Pringles Extreme Blazin' Buffalo Wing Super Stack (15 chips 150 calories, 0g sugar) $1.89 @ Safeway

Anytime something is listed as extreme it usually indicates "Extreme"ly disappointing. This falls into that category. Hard.

I like chips. I like buffalo wings. I like hot sauce. Why don't I like these chips? They taste like all these things and yet they're none of them all at the same time. Maybe some things aren't meant to be together. I like lasagna. It doesn't mean I want a lasagna flavored potato chip. I'm just saying.

With the Pringles Extreme line I noticed the chips have a sparkle on the package illustration. Why would your chip sparkle like a diamond??? It's just strange all around.

Okay, I know what it is. "Blazin'" indicates fire. Fire is hot. These chips are not hot. They're barely spicy, if at all. They have peppers and an orange & yellow fiery looking design on the tennis ball canister they use as packaging. Also, the issue of the taste. It has the vinegary taste of a hot sauce but not the... Depth of flavor? It's a note when it should be a chord. Yes, that's what it is. Thumbs down.

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